I once ate lychee nuts- they are very tasteful.
BA- I will buy them again in season.
PS- Armadillos are very evil compared to such things as grapes.
i will start....i can speak conversational albanian....thanks to the foreign language field...really useful in everyday life as a cleaner....sniff...why didnt i pick mandarin?
..would be useful when they take over the world....but one day i will find an albanian to talk to ...that or a needle in a haystack....the emmerdalian world of jw's
I once ate lychee nuts- they are very tasteful.
BA- I will buy them again in season.
PS- Armadillos are very evil compared to such things as grapes.
are global warming skeptics really just cranks?
i don't doubt that we are having some effect on .
I'd have to say that the lack of evidence for the cause of Global Warming being caused by humans, any other than a small fraction, as proved by this thread, is indisputable.
Time will prove
beyond the shadow of any doubt that the likes of gyles and her cheerleader hilary are shamelessly adopting "the sky is falling" beliefs of the sound bite swallowing crowd, while those rational minds still amongst us actually research this topic, and see how many are lead astray.Please note that this is a thread that will be brought back up (by myself and many others) to the shame of the morons who think humans are causing the majority of Global Warming.
BA- No hope for morons.
PS- Having a blast, expect it. No clues, OK?
i was in the org for 20 years and never actually read the bible from beginning to end.
then i bought a living bible and found even the most difficult parts easy to read.
but i still couldnt find time.
Yes, I read the NWT numerous times cover-to-cover as a dub.
On my way out of the borg, I found, too that the Living Translation and New Living Translation were much, much easier reading. Coupled with taking the WTBTS blinders off, it was like reading a whole new book!
Since leaving, I've continued reading the Bible numerous times, and still favor the Living Translation and New Living Translation, with the exception that these are both paraphrased versions, which is important to know.
It is always refreshing to read a different version, provided that it is written in at least somewhat conversational english.
are global warming skeptics really just cranks?
i don't doubt that we are having some effect on .
The 'Moral Maze' a BBC Radio 4 debate in which experts present their views on a subject of the day dealt with Gloabl Warming, pros and cons this week.
Against the backdrop of this thread it makes interesting listening :
Click 'listen to latest edition' in the right hand panel towards the top.
Yes, that was interesting to listen to. It essentially mirrors the discussion on this thread thus far. Lots of good points made, including what has gone wrong regarding the scientific "consensus" claims, the attempted shutdown of various sides of the argument, the premature conclusions, and the mistaken notion that political science = science.
are global warming skeptics really just cranks?
i don't doubt that we are having some effect on .
Dear SixofNine,
Your inability to comprehend what you read, coupled with your lack of knowledge of the fundamental laws of physics, is why it’s pointless going any further with you. Yes, I know, you’re very "Special", and obviously, so was your "Education", but because you are bereft of a basic understanding of reading comprehension, math and physics, anything more than a jingle or a sound-bite is lost on you.
You substitute "Solar Flares" for "Solar Fluctuations" and demonstrate your lack of knowledge about the cyclical nature of Global Warming/Cooling. Your eyes gloss over the point made about energy conversion inefficiency.
Go on believing that technology is PFM (Pure F’n Magic), it obviously makes you feel more comfortable.
I never intended to hi-jack this thread, and this is clearly off topic. If you choose to do so, start a thread on Hybrid Technology, perhaps someone will engage your mental masturbation there.
You can go back to reading your Buzz Lightyear comic books now.
PS- Try breathing through your nose, at least you’ll appear less stupid that way.
if you are going out with friends or just to work tomorrow get a packet of lime koolaid (lime jello works too).
don't wear any green but put a pinch of the powder on your tongue to make it bright green.
when challenged about the lack of green just stick out your tongue and tell them you just ate a leprechaun..
here is a short version of the video where the elder on the stand makes some really misleading statements about disfellowhipping.
he's really got guts.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szyg-cvj-re.
see what you think, comments welcome.. w.once.
He's not lying.
He's just not telling the truth.
He's just being deceitful.
He's just perjuring.
He's just making false statements.
He's just telling untruths.
He's just completely distorting the facts.
He's just being dishonest.
He's just spreading disinformation.
Ok, ok, he's lying.
are global warming skeptics really just cranks?
i don't doubt that we are having some effect on .
lol, no I'm not buying into your psuedo-expertise, because I loathe psuedo-experts, especially psued- experts who argue against a given solution simply because said single solution doesn't fix an entire problem. Hybrids don't have to be the be-all-end-all solution to oil dependency in order for them to be a great, useful, much needed technology.
Yes, hybrids reduce oil dependancy. Not much in the long run, however, and they are more expensive in the long run. I have already pointed out other drawbacks. That doesn't mean I dissaprove of them, just that I can see past the hype.
The words "Oil dependancy and hydrocarbons emissions" pretty much sums up our biggest energy and environmental challenges (and security to, for that matter), but the solution to "Oil dependancy and hydrocarbons emissions" will not likely come from one or two technologies, but rather hundreds of technologies, implemented by various countries and competing for commercial viability.
I'd break them up into two issues: "Oil dependancy"- yes, a big energy challenge which must be dealt with, and "hydrocarbons emissions" which is not the biggest environmental challenge by any means. Lumping them together only confuses the real issues.
Look, what you miss is that batteries store energy produced by GHG producing energy sources, in a very inefficient manner.-BA"Inefficient" as compared to what? Walking while eating an apple? A clean burning modern 4cylinder turbo-diesel running on bio, or a big 8 cylinder petrol engine designed for too-heavy vehicles that could carry a soccer team but usually only carry a mom?
Inefficient as I went on to elaborate:
The conversion from one form of energy, to storage in a battery, to another form of energy for use in an automobile will always be less efficient than converting one form of energy, to another form of energy for use in an automobile. -BAReally? "Always"? Sure you want to stand by that statement? I could swear they've been able to improve gas mileage by about 20 to 30% in vehicles using small gas engines, electric motors, and regenerative capture. You know, "hybrid systems" I think they're calling them nowadays. ;)
Yes. Always. Without any exceptions, ever. Source>Battery>Consumer, will always be less efficient by orders of magnitude than Source>Consumer, period. You clearly don't understand the physics or the technology.
I define "better", as a 30,000 foot view that takes into account the pros and cons, not just the marketing hype. -BAYou say that, but so far you've said nothing to indicate you can see 30 feet ahead, no less 30,000 feet ahead. You keep talking about "cons", but so far you haven't really enumerated any "cons" that aren't A) far better than what is facing us with current energy sources, and B) manageable. Then again, you've been pretty short on specifics on the "cons". I get the idea from this conversation about hybrids that you think yourself a skeptic when you are really just a cynic.
The alternatives are simply that- alternatives. They are only "better" in some ways, and "worse" in others, as I have pointed out. The grass isn't greener, just a different shade of green.
And get over yourself about "marketing hype". I've said nothing to indicate I buy into "marketing hype" just because I call you on your hype. Hell, my solar powered TV won't even run for a third of the day! ;-)
You've said volumes, you still fail to see it, 'nuff said.
BA- Didn't intend to hijack the thread.
Hasta la vista,
You man who practices the black arts, you male witch, you sorcerer!
are global warming skeptics really just cranks?
i don't doubt that we are having some effect on .
Ok- what is not readily apparent, and what is not spoken about in R&T, is how these battery's ability to store a charge will degrade over time. I assume you have a cellphone? How often do you replace the battery because, while it technically "works", it just won't hold the charge you need to get you through the day anymore?
Same deal with the Prius battery, only worse- the efficiency that is commonly measured in mpg is increasingly reduced as the battery ages. Consumers will undoubtedly find that their actual mpg will decrease drastically well before the Toyota-projected "8 years plus life" of the battery. This changes the economical analysis presented by R&T, probably written for them by Toyota. Prius consumers will have to make the choice between paying for a new battery much sooner than 8 years, or filling their gas tanks much more often than they did when their Prius was new.
Think about your cell phone battery.
I use mine fairly heavily and replace it at least annually.
Toyota's doing a great job with their marketing spin!!!
BA- Reads between the lines.